Sander | Sommers
Matt and I -- we each travel paths aplenty other than music, but in music we’ve found gold together. Matt’s repertoire includes punk, rock, country, new age, and a decades-long string of amazing solo studio albums (60!) that defy categories and utilize anything that makes sound and is not nailed down. And I’m probably wrong about the nailed down part.
I’ve played mostly folk, Americana, old-time & my own singer song-writer bits.
The way we work is:
1.) Either I pull up to his studio in a broken-down, rusted-out song I’ve driven for decades and say: “Could you maybe turn this into an Aston-Martin?” And then he does. I sit in the passenger seat and watch while he restores the junker. While I may offer suggestions, he knows this road better than me, so mostly I watch as he plays his main instrument – the studio.
2.) Or -- neither of us has a vehicle at all, only the dim idea of one in our heads. Then it’s: “What if you did this? Why don’t I try that? Hey, what if we ..?” Lots of our vehicles materialize just like that.
We’re not spring chickens; no potential musical career beckons. Rather, we’re in this for the unmitigated pleasure we get from the synergy we make every time we’re together; that and a profound dedication to making sounds and songs that please. They please us anyway. We hope they please you too.
-Bob Sander, 2021